Our next #RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased course is running in Poole on the 13th - 18th November 2018

This 5 day course + exam time follows on from the RYA day skipper course and builds on many of the subjects covered on that course, but in alot more depth whilst also introducing many other new and equally important subjects. This course is aimed at those wishing to go onto complete the RYA Coastal Skipper and RYA Yachtmaster practical courses and exams aswell as the recreational boater wishing to widen their knowledge base. By the end of the course you should be equipped with the knowledge to navigate a yacht or powered craft in unfamiliar coastal and offshore waters during the day and night.
More information can be seen at: https://www.marine-education.eu/rya-theory-courses/classroom-rya-courses/rya-coastal-skipper-yachtmaster-offshore-theory-course/
Or call 01202 024111 to book :)