RYA practical instructors (excluding Advanced Powerboat, Cruising and Yachtmaster Instructors)
For the purposes of RYA practical instructor qualifications other than Advanced Powerboat, Cruising and Yachtmaster Instructor endorsements, the RYA has opted to match the UK’s HSE’s practice in allowingRTCs and instructors to use alternative first aid qualifications, providing the course meets the minimum requirements given at the end of this guidance. On RYA Instructor courses the Coach / Trainer will verify that an in date first aid certificate is held.
RYA Cruising Instructors, Yachtmaster Instructors, Powerboat Advanced Instructors
Cruising and Yachtmaster Instructors and Advanced Powerboat instructors teaching the Advanced Powerboat course should hold a valid commercial endorsement and therefore comply with the requirements detailed in the commercial endorsement section above. Advanced Powerboat Instructors who don’t hold acommercial endorsement may only teach up to the Intermediate course.
RTC Principals and Chief Instructors must ensure all instructors teaching Cruising and Advanced Powerboat courses hold an appropropriate first aid certificate.
Minimum RYA first aid requirements:
Course duration: 1 day with at least 6 hours instructional time.
Course outcomes:
Understand the role of a first aider in regard to:
i. The importance of preventing cross infectionii. The need for recording and/or reporting incidents and accidents
iii. Assessing a scenario and circumstances to ensure they act safely, promptly andeffectively in an emergency
Can perform CPR to current protocols, and understand the differential for drowning.
Understand the importance of the recovery position and the need to modify it for small spaces.
Can administer first aid to those who are unconscious
Can identify types of external bleeding and control bleeding
Can use appropriate dressings, bandages and other first aid equipment available, including
improvised dressings and bandages.
Understand the term shock, recognise and treat it
Can recognise and understands the treatment for hypothermia following immersion and/or
Recognise the signs of a reduced level of response, with particular reference to serious head
Can administer suitable first aid for:
i. breathing difficulties ii. choking
iii. chest pain iv. seasickness
v. diabetic emergency vi. anaphylaxis
vii. hyperthermia viii. fractures
ix. seizures
x. burns, including scalds, chemical and electricalxi. minor injuries including small cuts, grazes, bruises and small splinters
Can choose suitable first aid equipment
First aid certificates should be refreshed or renewed every three years, other than STCW First Aid certificates which may be refreshed up to every 5 years.