Equipment Item
Ensure they are in date, correctly fitted, appropriate for the conditions and the wearer knows how they operate.
Incase you lose engine power / function
Should you inadvertently take on water
If you need a tow or need to assist someone else who does
Its must easier to retrieve a conscious person overboard by throwing them a line and heaving them back to the vessel
For the simple things that seem to dismantle themselves when you least expect it !
Survival Bag
Either fro post immersion or just because people get cold !
1st Aid Kit
Because you just never know..
Anchor w/chain or warp
For when you find that perfect spot to stop and / or in the event of a break down when you want to stop for other reasons!
Distress Flares
2 x orange smoke + red hand held flare (at a minimum for close coastal cruising)
Sharp Knife
Propellor wraps are a very real thing.. its not always easy to see debris in the water
Fire Extinguisher
Because we all have have bad luck sometimes.. make sure its suitable for petrol fires!
VHF (fixed or handheld)
To monitor local activities & in case of an emergency.
Mayday Procedure Card
Not all your occupants will be familiar with VHF, having easy to read instructions may just be your saviour!
Radar Reflector
If you have a place to put one, it will make you easier to spot by larger craft. You can get inflatable ones too so they are easy to stow before and
after your adventures afloat.
Fog Horn
A good way of attracting attention if required aside to the practicality in fog.