powerboat equipment:
Below is a list of equipment you may wish to consider carrying onboard your Powerboat.. rather repeating information that has already been written by the experts in their fields we have included relevant links so you can find out further information.
General Powerboat Equipment:

If you were to move away from the helm or fall it will detach stopping the engine in the process. More info at: https://www.rya.org.uk/knowledge-advice/safe-boating/look-after-yourself/Pages/kill-cord.aspx

Communication is key to safety at sea. Even if all is well and you don't need to transmit a distress call, a VHF radio can help you communicate with other craft round you.

A mobile phone can be used to raise help close to shore.

Ready for going into a marina or even towing.

Protect your boat..

To keep your boat in the same spot after launching and before recovery, when you want to take a break, have lunch or in an emergency.

Sounded at regular intervals in times of limited visibility like fog

Ensure you have enough fuel for your intended journey + some in reserve just in case..

You'll be surprised how useful a bailer is..

In order to follow bearings & to aid you in knowing which way to pass buoyage & hazards.

GPS (Global Positioning System). Not only allows you to pre-plan your route but also shows you the way back!

Info about your area & to locate yourself if you got lost..

To ensure you know how much water there is at any given time ready for launching, recovery, anchoring etc etc

Contains tons of useful information about the area

So that vessel's with radar can see you better !

A quick fix whilst afloat to ensure you can get back home safely.

Nothing worse than a loose connection or similar stopping your day...
Powerboat Safety & Emergency Kit:

If you are in grave and imminent danger do not hesitate to use flares to get help - delay could be fatal in deteriorating weather conditions, when night is falling or after an injury.

To cut away weed, rope, fishing line etc from your propeller in the event of a prop wrap.

It is far easier & sometimes safer to throw a line to a man overboard & pull them back towards the boat.
Additional Kit Considerations:

Take a bearing or a 3 point fix on your position.

An Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon or EPIRB is used to alert search and rescue services in the event of an emergency.

If you're travelling further afield, this is worth considering..
Personal safety kit:

An essential piece of kit regardless of the weather.
More info at: https://www.rya.org.uk/knowledge-advice/safe-boating/look-after-yourself/Pages/buoyancy-aids-lifejackets.aspx

If you intend to travel further afield this can be a very useful extra bit of safety kit as it can be used in areas where there is no mobile phone signal available. Once activated transmits for 24 hours +. More info at: https://www.rya.org.uk/knowledge-advice/safe-boating/look-after-yourself/equipment-for-uk-pleasure-vessels/Pages/406-mhz-epirb-and-plb.aspx

An AIS Man Overboard (MOB) device is designed to be carried by individual crewmembers and used in the event of a Man Overboard situation or other personal emergency.