RYA shorebased classroom Courses

rya first aid course poole
RYA First Aid Course, Poole

Covering all the usual emergency 1st aid subjects but from a boating perspective. Aimed at anyone who goes afloat for leisure or commercially. 

rya vhf src radio course
RYA VHF Marine Radio Course, Poole

Preparing you to complete the VHF/SRC exam. A legal requirement for marine VHF users. 

vhf src exam
RYA VHF/SRC Exam, Poole

Short Range Certificate (SRC) exam taken in order to gain the RYA VHF SRC Marine Radio Certificate. 

rya essential navigation and seamanship course
RYA Essential Navigation & Seamanship Course, Poole

Navigation & Safety awareness for new and inexperienced skippers and crew or those wanting to refresh their skills. 

rya day skipper theory course
RYA Day Skipper Shorebased Theory Course, Poole

The knowledge to navigate safely around familiar waters by day with an introduction to night cruising. 

rya yachtmaster offshore theory course, poole
RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Offshore Theory Course, Poole

Advanced training for skippers wishing to navigate safely on coastal & offshore passages by day & night. 

Contact us:


Tel: +44 (0) 1202 406066

Our Location:

Powerboat & Jetski Courses: Port of Poole Marina

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